Saturday, 1 June 2013

Day 43 - My shoulders move strangely

Today I went for a run with Rhiannon. Down to the field to do laps. It's a nice way of running together, with each doing our own thing at our own pace and meeting up every now and again. After a few laps Rhiannon had completed her set so she watched me running. And she came up with some helpful feedback.

Apparently, when I run, I don't move my arms much, but instead move my shoulders back and forth. I think this must look quite silly, like I'm doing a kind of shimmying dance to whatever I'm listening to. More importantly, it means I'm wasting lots of energy moving my whole torso to balance my legs. So today I practiced running with arms deliberately moving - more than I wanted to naturally - and with my shoulders steady.

The trouble is, and this is comparable to landing on your heel etc, it is very hard to unlearn this shoulder movement. It actually felt quite exhausting keeping the arms moving, and I wasn't terribly successful in keeping my shoulders still. Even when I tried very hard to relax, to feel the movements of my body, and I was sure I  was very upright and steady, I looked at my shadow and saw the old shoulders partying away. I could probably do with a few tips on how to fix this. Or I could just boogie every time I run.

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