Day 95 - Rest
Last night's speed work was the first I've done in a few months. Apart from the fairly obvious soreness in my calves, which got more of a hammering than their used to, I was struck by how many other parts of my legs hurt. Particularly groin and rectus femoris (I had to look that up, front bit of the thigh). A reminder that those muscles don't get much use in regular, casual running. When you get them off the shelf for a workout after a long rest they certainly let you know.
Not bad today though.
Day 96 - Rest
I thought I'd give my legs one more day off.
Day 97 - Rest
But I didn't really factor in how busy I was today...
Day 98 - 1.8 miles
I went out early-ish this morning, just to turn my legs over. I hoped I'd feel light and unstoppable. I actually felt a bit leaden and unstartable, but I trudged my way through a little loop. My calves are still a bit sore; hopefully by giving them a little work this morning they'll be fresh and good for running club again tomorrow night.
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