Monday 25 March 2013

This should have been Day 1

The view from our bedroom window.

This should have been day 1. Unfortunately the weather came and wiped out the race. It was cancelled on Saturday morning, and was probably a sensible decision since there was already plenty of snow and it continued well into Saturday night. The race will be rearranged for some time in the future, but this leaves me in a quandry. Do I hold off and get my half-marathon time, or do I start work barefoot running now?

In some respects, the answer is easy. The ground is still covered with snow, so it's probably not the time to get out there in new trainers that barely cover my feet. But it's a bit more tricky to work out in the bigger picture.

Can I combine barefoot and 'normal', to start strengthening my feet/calves/achilles etc but still run a half in a few weeks in the old style? Or, if I'm making a transition will I end up adopting the new style and running too far, injuring myself in the process? I need to keep my fitness at the levels I'd got to, but that might be difficult if I am cutting back and relearning how to run. I think I might put it off for a week or so, at least until the new date is announced.

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