Sunday, 28 April 2013

Day 10 - 1.3 miles and sore calves

Today I tried a new tactic. Last time out I realised that I was doing more barefoot-style running than I intended to. And, as a result, I was overworking my understrength calf muscles. I was faced with two options: to cut down to only doing the barefoot-shod running or to continue longer mileage and warmups but deliberately heel-strike for much of it. Since my chief goal here is to change my style, I opted to cut down to only barefoot.

So this time I ran straight from the front door. I concentrated on cadence, forefoot landing, and silent footsteps. And I ran on the verge where possible. The slightly difficult thing about running straight out of the front door is that we live on a hill, so it is impossible to avoid inclines, including the uphill ones that might demand more of the calf and the achilles. It's not ideal, but it is what it is. So with this in mind, I kept my intervals reasonably short - no more than 0.3 miles at a time, with a minute's walk in between.

Somewhat to my annoyance, the same calf pains that had been there two days before returned. I wanted to test out how or if they developed, thinking it might just be residual soreness, so I continued with my plan. But by the time I had completed 3 reps my legs were telling me it was time to stop. Bloody-mindedness kicked in and I did a fourth, determined to make progress. The legs were sore by the end.

I now wonder whether I'm concentrating too much on the forefoot landing, and whether I ought to let my feet find their natural position. When I slip to something a bit more midfoot it doesn't feel uncomfortable, and it would put less strain on my calves with each step. I think I'll try that next time.

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