Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 9 - Self-inflicted massage

Today, calf massage. The self inflicted variety. I don't know a lot about massage, but I do know that when the physio does it properly it is very painful. As far as I understand it, the point is to clear out the inflexible scar tissue so that new super-flexy tissue grows more quickly. This all means you heal better and quicker. In running circles it is a something of a panacea. And everybody recommends that you massage your calves regularly if you are doing barefoot running, so I did a bit of a hunt on the internet and settled for following this video.

This was okay, and I felt like I was doing something good. I have to say, though, that it is next to impossible to self-inflict the kind of painful massage the physio does. At least, for me it is. Maybe I just lack a certain steely edge?

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