Monday 19 August 2013

Days 124 to 126 - My first 10 mile run in barefoot shoes!

Day 124 - 10.20 miles
I've done it! 10 miles in barefoot shoes. And it was fine. No progressively worsening pain. No fatigue in the lower leg. Just normal. Regular, straightforward running. For the first time in months I ran with the Saturday morning group that go from the village. We follow the same route every time - come rain or snow or floods - which includes some general country tracks, a run through the woods, then skirting round the trails of Bradgate Park before a single mile climb to the top of Old John. Then it's all downhill, across the golf course and back through the village home. Thrilled to be back. And pleased to discover I had some reserves in the bank to push on during the steep climb to Leicestershire's favourite monument and claim King of the Mountain for the week.

Day 125 - Rest
Happy that I have had a good week of running, I am having a rest. I think I will rest tomorrow as well. The danger for me now is that I'm feeling fine and it would be easy to suddenly pile on the miles. I really mustn't do that.

Day 126 - 1.85miles
Okay, not quite nothing, just a short-ish run this evening with my wife (who is about three months behind me in this whole process). Nothing flash, just getting to hang out with a beautiful woman in the beautiful countryside, while we both hummed Take That under our breath. What could be better?

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