Wednesday 15 May 2013

Day 29 - Properly sore muscles

Ouch. Ow. Sore.

Following my 2 mile run on tarmac yesterday I have woken up with a genuine case of sore muscles. My calves are raging (which sounds like a revolt on a dairy farm, I realise that...). The good thing is that they don't feel damaged sore, but really-worked-hard sore. A bit like when I decide on the spur of the moment to start doing press ups every day and leap down and knock out a quick 50.* It feels good, I've worked the muscles hard, and the next day I can barely move. I also rarely continue with that particular exercise regime, despite attempted to launch a new habit.

The fiery muscles on this occasion are in both legs, in the lower outer calf. I've tried giving them a bit of a massage but I'm too easily put off by my own pain. So I believe the secret is to keep them stretched, massage when I dare, and wait until the pain has died down considerably before I contemplate my next run.

 *that number may have been massaged for dramatic effect

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