Thursday 23 May 2013

Day 34 - Rest day, not so sore this time

I'm pleased to say that today my calves are aching nothing like as much as they did after the previous run. That's good news.

Now here's the dilemma. Tomorrow is the West End 8 - the last race of the Leicestershire winter league. It is, of course, the middle of May, but that's just how things have panned out. The dilemma is that I'm actually doing quite well in this league for my club, currently being the leading the male Barrow runner. So I don't really want to let this slip by allowing some other clubmates to steal a march on me tomorrow. But I'm also concerned that I might undo all my good work retraining my brain to run differently (I couldn't possibly do it barefoot so I'd have to switch back). What's more important?

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